Upgrade Your Frontend: Microservices Make it Possible!

Upgrade Your Frontend: Microservices Make it Possible!


Microservices architecture has become the de facto standard for building scalable and flexible backend systems. In recent years, there has been a growing trend to apply microservices principles to the frontend as well. This approach is known as micro-frontends.

Micro-frontends offer a number of advantages over traditional monolithic frontends. They are more scalable, easier to maintain, and more flexible to change. They also make it easier to adopt new technologies and development practices.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of micro-frontends and how to upgrade your frontend using microservices.

Benefits of micro-frontends


Micro-frontends are more scalable than monolithic frontends because they can be scaled independently. When your frontend is monolithic, you have to scale the entire application even if only a small part of it is experiencing high traffic. With micro-frontends, you can scale the individual micro-frontends that are under load.


Micro-frontends are easier to maintain than monolithic frontends because they are smaller and more modular. This makes it easier to identify and fix bugs, and to make changes without affecting other parts of the application.


Micro-frontends are more flexible to change than monolithic frontends. This is because they can be deployed independently. If you need to make a change to a particular micro-frontend, you can do so without affecting any of the other micro-frontends or the overall user experience.

Adopting new technologies

Micro-frontends make it easier to adopt new technologies and development practices. This is because each micro-frontend can use its own technology stack. For example, you could have one micro-frontend that uses React and another micro-frontend that uses Angular. This allows you to experiment with new technologies without having to rewrite your entire frontend.

How to upgrade your frontend using microservices

Upgrading your frontend to a microservices architecture can be a complex task, but it is well worth the effort in the long run. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

  1. Identify the different components of your frontend. What are the different features and functionality that your frontend provides? Once you have identified the different components, you can start to group them into micro-frontends.

  2. Choose a micro-frontend framework. There are a number of different micro-frontend frameworks available, such as Single-SPA and Module Federation. Choose a framework that meets your specific needs and requirements.

  3. Refactor your frontend into micro-frontends. This is the most challenging part of the process. You will need to refactor your code so that each micro-frontend is self-contained and can be deployed independently.

  4. Deploy your micro-frontends. Once you have refactored your frontend into micro-frontends, you need to deploy them to a production environment. There are a number of different ways to deploy micro-frontends, such as using a container orchestration platform like Kubernetes.

Best practices for micro-frontends

Here are a few best practices for developing and deploying micro-frontends:

  • Use a micro-frontend framework. A micro-frontend framework will provide you with the tools and infrastructure you need to develop and deploy micro-frontends.

  • Design your micro-frontends to be self-contained. Each micro-frontend should have its own codebase, configuration, and deployment pipeline.

  • Use a communication protocol between micro-frontends. Micro-frontends need to be able to communicate with each other in order to provide a seamless user experience. There are a number of different communication protocols that you can use, such as HTTP, WebSockets, and Pub/Sub.

  • Use a container orchestration platform to deploy your micro-frontends. A container orchestration platform like Kubernetes will make it easier to deploy and manage your micro-frontends in production.


Micro-frontends offer a number of advantages over traditional monolithic frontends. They are more scalable, easier to maintain, and more flexible to change. They also make it easier to adopt new technologies and development practices.

If you are considering upgrading your frontend, I encourage you to consider using micro-frontends. It is a well-worth investment in the long run.

Additional tips for upgrading your frontend using microservices

  • Start small. Don't try to refactor your entire frontend into micro-frontends overnight. Start by refactoring a small part of your frontend, such as a single feature or component.

  • Get buy-in from your team. Upgrading to a microservices architecture is a big change, so it is important to get buy-in from your team. Explain the benefits of micro-frontends and how they will make your frontend better.

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